Frequently Asked Questions about our company and services

Consultant Cost and Consultancy Cost

Here you'll find the most frequenctly asked questions about the services that we offer

If you have any questions or questions that you believe should be in this section, please email us on

What is our consultant cost per hour?

Fortunately this differs whether the requirement is for domestic or for commercial purposes, and what expertise are required - as a consultancy cost example, the rate starts at £60 per hour.

What are our consultancy costs?

Our varies extensively, therefore the cost is based on the resources required, the duration to complete the work requested and the location of the work - some have international travel; we're located in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire

Historically, work that we have completed ranged from £300 to £15000, the latter being several weeks work as several days were spend performing noise and vibration measurements, of which the former was used to update a noise model in SoundPLAN.

With recent inflation in the UK, the cost will be slightly higher.

If you want a quotation or you would like to discuss a requirement, please call 01908 643 433.

How much does a noise assessment cost?

Additional to the reasons given in the previous answer, this depends on the duration of the assessment and how many locations are chosen for the noise assessment, and whether a detailed report is required. Most of our BS4142 noise assessments are £500+.

How much does it cost to resolve a vibration issue?

Some vibration or shock/impact vibration work can be resolved without vibration measuring equipment, however most require data acquisition equipment, sensors and analysis; this will be charged on the duration to complete the work.

How soon can Environmentally Sound attend to your needs?

We are a small specialist company and are extremely flexible, should you have a last minute requirement, so it's best to email us or call us on 01908 643 433.

How long does it take to get a report?

As none of our work is exactly the same, dependent on the work request, it can take between one day to five days, dependent on the detail required.

How much does mechanical design or engineering cost?

Additional to the former reasons, it's whether research, development, measurements or testing are required. But this will be disclosed to the customer in the quotation.

Do I get a quotation upfront?

Yes, and the quotation is detailed with all the activities and documents that you will receive, with a consultant fee structure template included with the consultant cost per task.

Will your problem be resolved?

Whatever your requirements, we will produce the results and/or solutions for your satisfactory confirmation, before we invoice you. So you can be reassured that you get for what you paid.

Further FAQS?

If you have any further questions about consultant cost or consultancy cost, or anything related, please email us on or call us on 01908 643433.

Thank you in advance.