Vibration Measurements

Introduction to vibration measurements

In several companies, vibration and noise expertise are not readily available. We offer our expertise and experience in this field to help you.

Why do we perform assessments, surveys and measurements?

We perform noise assessments & surveys and vibration measurements to gather data on the design and engineering problem. This data is invaluable in determining the failure mechanism or source of the problem.

Noise & Vibration Analysis, modelling, model updating and design

The model updating that we perform, relates to dynamic structural behaviour. The structural behaviour can be manipulated by design alterations to ensure a more favourable behaviour.


Once we have measurements or survey data, we analyse it to understand what is causing or has caused the problem and/or failure.

Modelling and model updating

The data gathered and the analysis results are used to build a numerical model. The sole objective is to get the model representative of the physical product.

Why build an analytical model

We build numerical models of a product to mimic the dynamic behaviour. This enables us to pioneer a better design to avoid future failure and non-compliances.

The process of the analysis is a closed loop system, going through these steps over and over until we are satisfied and confident in the design.

Design and Design Improvements

Once the model is verified and validated, design optimisation starts. This is conducted to ensure that a more favourable structural behaviour occurs.

We determine the environment in which products operate!

As we design for different environments, we focus on mechanical and environmental engineering. To understand and design for these environments, we perform measurements and surveys to support design for vibration, shock, noise, temperature, humidity etc. and combinations thereof.

Click on the following to take you to the relevant section:

  • Vibration

  • Noise

  • Acoustics

  • Strain

  • Temperature

'If we take care of nature, nature will take care of us!

Vibration and structural measurements

The company tag line is 'Engineering for the environment', and that is what we do. We engineer products and solutions to protect the environment, so that man can enjoy it now and in the future.

Our goal is to design and improve machines and equipment, so that they do not disrupt the tranquillity of the natural environment or disturb the people that live, work or enjoy the outdoors; whether it's air pollution, noise or vibration that disrupt people at home or at work.

We find, design or implement solutions in the natural environment so that man, machine and nature can operate in harmony with each other. The main objective is to protect and sustain the environment for future generations.


As a child, I met other children that never saw rain. Ever.They grew up in arid and very dry regions of Africa.

Therefore, if one had to design a product or machine to operate in their natural environment, designing to tolerate rain would not be a requirement. However, products, equipment or machinery are seldom designed not to tolerate one of nature’s natural elements.

We consider all the elements of nature so that the design can operate reliably and resiliently in the natural environment.

However, we go further in how we design products, equipment and machinery; we design them to blend in with the environment, by not polluting it in any way or form.


The company tag line is 'Engineering for the environment', and that is what we do. We engineer products and solutions to protect the environment, so that man can enjoy it now and in the future.

Our goal is to design and improve machines and equipment, so that they do not disrupt the tranquillity of the natural environment or disturb the people that live, work or enjoy the outdoors; whether it's air pollution, noise or vibration that disrupt people at home or at work.

We find, design or implement solutions in the natural environment so that man, machine and nature can operate in harmony with each other. The main objective is to protect and sustain the environment for future generations.


As a child, I met other children that never saw rain. Ever.They grew up in arid and very dry regions of Africa.

Therefore, if one had to design a product or machine to operate in their natural environment, designing to tolerate rain would not be a requirement. However, very seldom are products, equipment or machinery designed not to tolerate one of nature’s natural elements.

We consider all the elements of nature so that the design can operate reliably and resiliently in the natural environment.

However, we go further in how we design products, equipment and machinery; we design them to blend in with the environment, by not polluting it in any way or form.

From vibration meaurements to any physical property measurements

We are mechanical engineers. Whether you need us for vibration measurements, nosie surveys, temperaure recordings or any other physical property recording, you should call us first.

We are here to help you.