BS4142 noise assessment and survey

What is a BS4142 noise assessment?

The BS4142 noise assessment standard stipulates methods for rating and assessing sound of an industrial and commercial nature.

The BS4142 standard is used to assess outdoor sound levels and the likely effects of sound on people inside or outside a residential building which is susceptible to sound and noise.

How do we help you with a BS4142 noise assessment?

A noise assesssment determines the noise level at the receptor. If the noise is too high, our noise and vibration consultants mitigate the noise at the source to lower the noise level at the receptor. This is the most cost effective approach to noise mitigation for you to get planning permission.

The British Standard BS4142 2019 noise assessment standard is one of the many procedures that we use. We use this and other standards to assess noise and noise complaints.

Our main objective is to ensure your planning conditions or current environment adheres to the BS4142 noise assessment standard.

We're a mechanical engineering and acoustics consultancy with extensive vibration, structural dynamics, noise and acoustics experience. Our expertise is in noise reduction and mitigation through vibration control, mainly at the noise source.

Why is BS4142 used?

We use the BS4142 assessment standard to assess adverse impacts, industrial noise sources and commercial noise. We report on our observations and analysis of the noise assessment. We then use our extensive engineering expertise in mechanical vibration to mitigate the noise at its source.

So you get a BS4142 noise assessment with financially efficient and effective mitigation measures. Recommended by our professional engineering team. All mitigation measures are cost effective and practically implementable.

Our main objective is to quieten machinery and equipment. Reducing environmental noise, and allowing the machinery to blend in with the environment.

For what is the BS4142 noise assessment standard used?

The methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound are applicable to:

  • sound from industrial and commercial premises and from manufacturing processes

  • sound from stationary systems, like mechanical and electrical plants and equipment;

  • sound from the loading and unloading of items at industrial at or in industrial and commercial facilities;

  • sound from mobile machinery that is the core of the total sound emanating from the commercial property, i.e. cranes, forklift trucks, and for harbour equipment and machinery.

BS4142 uses outdoor sound levels and ratings to assess the likely effects of sound on people inside or outside a dwelling.

Why use Environmentally Sound for your BS4142 noise assessment?

Environmentally Sound Limited is a mechanical engineering and acoustics consultancy. When it relates to noise, our objective is to:

  • improve living and working environments,

  • improve and design products to operate quietly in those environments

We use our engineering expertise in mechanical vibration to mitigate the noise at its source and improve the design to reach that objective.

Therefore, we use BS4142 noise assessment to ascertain the levels of noise and by what margin it exceeds permitted levels. The level by which it may exceed, is dependent on your local planning authority or council handling your planning application.

Every council has different pass or acceptance criteria when reviewing BS4142 noise assessment reports to grant you planning permission.

Recently, it was confirmed that certain boroughs in Greater London will accept noise levels within 10dB of the background noise. And councils in the countryside want the specific noise to be the same as the background noise.

Once we ascertain the noise level and the penalty, our vibration consultants address the noise source to mitigate the noise so that you can get planning permission.

How much does a BS4142 noise assessment cost?

For what are you paying?

You are paying for the BS4142 noise assessment, a noise assessment report and the mitigation recommendations. And in some cases noise control measures.

No BS4142 noise assessment is the same as another, as:

  • the source of the noise is different, and

  • it may be a different authority requesting the BS4142 noise assessment.

  • therefore they may request differnt noise recording durations, i.e. 28 or 48 hours

Our consultants provide mitigation measures and can impliment them too; so that you don't need an additional contractor to mitigate the noise.

What is the cost of a BS4142 noise assessment?

A BS4142 noise assessment with a BS4142 noise assessment report can cost as little as £500+VAT. This is the lowest price that we offer with all the resources required for a proper and professional noise assessment.

Prices do vary, depending on the noise assessment required. So please read Planning Application for a more informed idea of what a noise assessment cost.

To get a quick estimate, please call 01908 643433

The information included in the BS4142 noise assessment report

  • Statement of qualifications, competency, professional memberships and experience relevant to the application of this British Standard of all personnel contributing to the assessment.

  • Assessed and surveyed source

    • description of the main sound sources and of the specific sound;

    • operational hours of the day;

    • mode of operation (e.g. continuous, intermittent, tonal and impulsive, or is it dependent on the weather conditions);

    • is the source of the sound running at full load, or partial load

    • layout of the premises in which the main sound source is located

  • Subjective impression of the person taking the recordings

  • Does a sensitive receptor exist in the area, i.e. school, care home etc.

  • Locality of the source to receptors, and the topography of the landscape and buildings.

  • equipment used for the assessment

  • Weather conditions

  • Mitigation measures. (Sometimes, a noise management strategy report is requested instead of mitigation measures).

There is much more to adhere in this standard. But it's the responsibility of the person making the measurements and assessment recordings.

BS4142 noise assessment report mitigation measures.

People concerned about specific noise levels request sound level assessments. And if someone is concerned about a noise level, it does suggest that they already know the outcome.

In our experience, mitigation measures were always required after noise assessments. And it was a pleasure to provide the mitigation measures and put them in place.

Providing desirable noise reduction or mitigation measures is usually requested in the BS4142 noise assessment report. And therefore, we add the mitigation measures to the conclusion of the BS 4142 noise assessment report.

We are an engineering company with acoustic engineers and mechanical engineers. We address the source of the noise, as we have an appreciation of how the industrial equipment function. We can mitigate the source of the noise, and how the noise emanates from the machines and equipment or plants.

It is our ability to dig deep, to find the source and mitigate the noise at its source. Which is also the cheapest approach to mitigating noise.

Where can you find more information on a BS4142 noise assessment?

If you require a BS4142 noise assessment or survey, please get in touch. Our noise consultants are here to help you.

Please call 01908 643433 to speak directly to a noise consultant about a BS4142 noise assessment.