Mechanical Engineers and Acoustic Engineers make Environmentally Sound Limited
Mechanical Engineering vs Acoustic Engineering
Acoustic engineering is a sub-discipline of mechanical engineering, and complement each other when resolving vibration and noise problems in machinery, structures and in various environments. This complement allows us to investigate the problem, solve the problem, implement and install the mitigation.
How we started
Hello, I am Paul Schmitz, Director of Environmentally Sound Limited, welcome to our website!
"40 years ago I set my foot in an engineering company for the first time.  And since then I have loved the field of mechanical engineering. So much so, that I dedicated my career to specializing in mechanical vibration - the most common source of noise."
Hopefully you will find the answers to your search query on this site, and if you don't, feel free to call me on 01908 643 433.
Why our consultancy services are important to you?
We help our customers succeed!
We solve problems for our customers
We are quick to respond to your queries
You shall speak to the most experienced engineer when calling us
Very experienced chartered engineers
We are a small specialist company, hence flexible in taking on projects at short notice
We have a quick turnaround time
We are financially competitive
We are both mechanical and acoustical engineers and very experienced in these disciplines.
We are honest professional engineers with integrity and tenacity, If we cannot help you, we will inform you immediately.
Our Values
We believe in integrity and quality, and will always delivery quality work while providing an effective and financially efficient service.
How do we operate?
We have simple procedure:
You contact us
We investigate the problem that you have
We solve the problem
And if you prefer us to put corrective measures in place, we are prepared to do so
Who are our customers?
We provide engineering services to all industries that require our expertise and knowledge. Our customers are located internationally and the work that we have completed can be found on Our Work page
Environmentally Sound Limited - Acoustic Engineers and Mechanical Engineers
We are a consultancy proficient in solving problems relating to noise, vibration and mechanical engineering fields.
The company is suitably and aptly named Environmentally Sound (How mechanical engineering reduces the impact of noise and vibration)
Environmentally sound means 'fit for the environment, and products fit for their environment', no matter how docile or extreme the environment in which the product operates.
With a proficient knowledge of noise, vibration and mechanical engineering, we are able to investigate acoustic and mechanical problems, design the solution and install the mitigation where required and permitted.
To understand how these three fields of expertise combine to deliver environmentally sound products and what we have done, read the sections on noise, vibration and mechanical engineering in Our Work.
Noise is the most common pollution today in residential and industrial areas.
Our work over the last few years involved conducting attended and unattended noise surveys to determine the noise impact on communities and the environment. Professional noise reports were compiled and submitted to the local councils, and the Environmental Agency.
From basic BS 4142 noise assessments to environment noise impact assessments and planning applications, we can help you.
We conduct noise assessments and surveys according to well recognised noise standards. We also do noise modelling and update the model with actual representative noise recordings.
Vibration is the source of noise.
Without vibration, we most likely will not have unwanted noise. Vibration is also strongly related to material fatigue, which is a specialist field of mechanical engineering.
By vibration control by design or by vibration isolation, we are able to reduce noise at its source - the equipment that is noisy, by optimizing the structural dynamics of the structure.
We have experience of measuring and monitoring vibration on various structures, large and small, for over 27 years in automotive, industrial, oil and gas, and aerospace industries.
Most of these measurements were to understand the vibrational content present, and to then improve the design to a higher quality standard. All this to meet design regulations and standards.
Click here to view our work that we've completed recently
Mechanical Engineers
Mechanical engineering is related to mechanical machines and equipment, and provides the foundation to designing such products.
Mechanical engineering covers the area of structural dynamics, which provides the key understanding of product under vibrational conditions, and which aids in vibration control of unwanted vibrations. Which in turn reduces noise radiation.
We design and engineer products for their environment; especially when the environmental conditions and climatic conditions are severe.
It is the experience of the director that gives us the advantage to resolve engineering problems efficiently and financially efficiently.
The origin of environmentally sound limited was in environmental testing of equipment and instrumentation for the automotive and aerospace sector. These environmental test are performed on the products according to various industry standards, regulations and legislation.
When the product does not pass the test satisfactorily, we found a design solution that enabled the product to meet the test acceptance criteria.
What to do next?
Combining experience, expertise and consultancy in noise, vibration and mechanical engineering, we are able to resolve most problems, improve and design products and equipment to be environmentally sound.
If you have a requirement for a product or whether a product is underperforming, we are able to help with both design, analysis and testing.
If you have a noise concern or require planning permission for an installation and/or building a new dwelling, please call us on 01908 643433.